29 October 2009

14th and 5th

I have fallen in love with the same man countless times.

The first time was on an early summer night, under a blanket of stars, with the surprise of a meteor shower (I counted eleven, but there was much more). We were with friends on a camp, the first opportunity we had to really get to know each other.

The second time was on a warm December afternoon, when I first beheld his childlike joy. I gave him a striped polo shirt. I was only eighteen. He was twenty. And he was moved to tears. My heart melted in an instant.

The third time was when he entered medicine school, lean, penniless, but so full of optimism and hope, so much that I, the more privileged between us, never quite had.

The fourth time was when I saw him all heart as the leader of medical missions to indigent patients. I said: this is my man--you give him something to do, and he will do it with great love.

And then I lost him for a while...lost him to a world of pride...

But on one November afternoon, he called me...and cried like I've never seen him cry before. He wanted to remember the man that he was--the man who kept his word and treasured his friends, the man who always talked to God.

At that point I knew what my life was about -- and that is to hold his hand throughout this journey.

And so to him I gave my hand, a year after.

He cried with me as I walked the aisle. I fell in love again. He danced to the rhythm of my heart. I fell in love again . He kissed me before God and man. I fell in love again.

Another year after, our love bore fruit--this litle one of God. This little one is so much like his father-in his sense of humor, his sensibilities, his temperament. Falling in love with this little one is like falling in love with the same man, twice over.

But the love goes on for this same man, the falling in love happening in different ways. Each time I learn a new meaning. I never loved him less.

To you my beloved, you who taught me the meaning of trust, of sacrifice, and of love, I'd like to say that I love you again. Happy 14th and 5th.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ma'am! I just wanted to say I always feel so much love from this blog, but this specific post just moved me too much. Congratulations for continuously choosing the beautiful life you live with your family, and with yourself. I hope all is well in Belgium! :)

- Kei

Socraticmom said...

Thanks Kei. I wish for the same things for you too. (I do remember our last oral exam together. Pareho tayo-we easily get "moved". :)

ZDA said...

This one made me smile from the inside. :) I love reading honest, sincere, no-holds-barred feelings that people have for the ones that they love. I often find nowadays (or maybe for people my age) that people are embarrassed or ashamed to openly discuss their feelings for someone else. It always feels refreshing to find pieces of work, like your blog, that do the exact opposite.

Socraticmom said...

Zinnia, I look forward to reading your honest words, too. Do you have a blog by the way?

Zinnia said...

I do. Mine is a little more random and less introspective than yours. It's bits and pieces of things from my day or pictures/videos that I find that I like and want to comment on. I'm thinking of creating another blog more for personal thoughts soon, though. I miss writing about things of substance haha. You can follow my other blog for now at http://zeedeeaye.tumblr.com/.

Socraticmom said...

Hi Zinnia. I dropped by your blog. It's cool. Don't worry about whether you're being introspective. When writing, I'm more concerned about being honest. Because in the end, it's what we owe to ourselves and to others. This means you're doing great! :)