We bought this doodle board on a visit to my sister in Germany last 2009. I never really fully appreciated how much this toy has accompanied my Bugey through the years until a few weeks ago. Bugey's doodle board is about to break down. For the first time in my life, I have felt the 'tug' that others talk about when they lose an object that 's close to their hearts. It felt like a signpost, reminding me that the little boy who doodled his childhood on this magical board is slowly outgrowing it.

I'm not sure which one came first - the doodle board or his writing skills. I do know that Bugey has learned to express himself in a lot of ways through this toy.
I noticed how much he loved to tell stories through his drawings. He's not so much of a precise illustrator (and he accepts that about himself so easily) but I do marvel at some of the details of his sketches. For me, they show a very imaginative mind. Like these illustrated words below. These are from last year's summer. I asked where he learned how to write like this and he said that he just "made it all up."
I think it has something to do with his obsession with music album covers at that time. He loved looking at his dad's iPod and check out the creative ways the album covers in iTunes were decorated. But then I'm just guessing. It's really hard to tell where this boy gets all his ideas.

Say 1+3 = Letter I. So you have to look for the answer below and write the letter I. After you've finished all the items, you have to read the hidden message.
He wrote a note in Dutch to Sinterklaas last December 2009. Legend has it that the old man would come and visit him that night to give him presents. The note said that he prepared candies for the visitor, and a carrot for his horse.
And finally, I want him to see himself growing, and learning to share this beloved toy to welcome his little brother. Someday you'll read this anak, and you'll know how mummy was so proud of you. :)
I'm not sure which one came first - the doodle board or his writing skills. I do know that Bugey has learned to express himself in a lot of ways through this toy.

I think it has something to do with his obsession with music album covers at that time. He loved looking at his dad's iPod and check out the creative ways the album covers in iTunes were decorated. But then I'm just guessing. It's really hard to tell where this boy gets all his ideas.
I was completely blown away when he said that this drawing below was a woman's body. It reminded me of a Picasso. Seriously, when I was his age, the only way I knew how to draw a woman was the usual stick: circle here, triangle for the dress, and then hands and feet. But this boy, thankfully, did not get miseducated like me. When he draws, you know that he is working from an independent mind.
He loved writing notes for us to remind us about some things. Or sometimes just to say "I love you mum." Here below, I loved the playful way he did it. This was at the time they were learning how to add. He made up an exercise where the answer to the numbers were in letter codes. You have to write the letter under the corresponding sum of each item.
Say 1+3 = Letter I. So you have to look for the answer below and write the letter I. After you've finished all the items, you have to read the hidden message.
I don't know with you, but for me, this is super sweet.
I wonder if he'll write letters like this to girls one day. : )
The note was so long, and when he needed to correct something, he had to erase the whole thing repeatedly (thanks to the primitive delete mechanism of this board). I finally asked him to write the note on a paper instead. Notice how his eyes clearly say that it was already way past his bedtime.
Oftentimes, you'll just find him in a corner writing, commanding his hand to follow wherever his mind would take him. I'm just glad that he has something that he loves to do apart from watching his favorite shows again and again. Or jumping on the bed. Or turning the living room into one football field.
This toy has also been literally the sounding board for his anger. How many times have we received an angry note from a grumpy little boy? Well, at least that's better than getting yelled at or having the door slammed at you.
I want to remember this focused look on his face while writing. I want to be able to make him remember the adventures he had with this board, like it was one of his closest friends.
And finally, I want him to see himself growing, and learning to share this beloved toy to welcome his little brother. Someday you'll read this anak, and you'll know how mummy was so proud of you. :)
hahah now i want one for Eric. never too early for creativity!
Hey there my loyal reader. Good to have you back. :) hugs. hope you and the little one are getting by.
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