29 November 2009

the masterpiece

I've always been proud of Lakay's shots and have always wanted to show it off to the world. I once considered having one printed out in a large frame size, but was stopped short upon learning the price. Good thing is I have a geeky sister who is master of cyberspace. She knows the right website for your own needs. When I told her about my problem, she directed me to www.blockposters.com. Although this site doesn't offer the kind of poster printing that I really wanted, it helped me find more creative ways to display Lakay's works.

Here's one that we did last night.

Lakay took this shot on our vacation in Bicol last year. It really marked his development in his craft. It's been one of my favorites ever since.

I uploaded this picture to blockposters and the software in that site arranged it in such a way that I can print the whole thing into separate A4 photo paper prints. Now instead of going to the photo printing shop, I went to an ordinary photocopier shop and had this printed through their colored copier. (As advised by a Filipino neighbor).

I am very happy with the results. Especially that I got it at 7% of the price of the poster printing.

When we posted them on the wall last night, Lakay suggested that it would be better to put some gaps between the parts rather than stick them all together like parts of a puzzle. I found his idea better than forcing to conceal its "brokenness.

Now we have hanging on our living room wall a masterpiece (both the work and the artist belonging to our home).

The little one's part in this whole project: pose like a sleepy tot in the very homey corner.


ruthietheotaku said...

perfect!! i haven't explored this decorating style since it was hard to find a decent printer in germany...thanks for the inspiration ;-) glad i was able to contribute to this beauty hehe see you soon! oh btw i think i may have a router for you guys if you still need one...

Socraticmom said...

thanks sis. Of course the router would come in handy. See you soon. I'm excited to shop with you guys. :)

Welcome to my headspace. said...

What a creative idea! I like this sort of personalised space.