Announcing my little one’s accomplishment for the month:
“Look mummy, I can now…now... (looking down at his shirt) … botton up…(fingers busily toying with the last button) pajamas.”
The moment I heard this, I dropped what I was holding and ran to give him a big hug (with squeals of excitement, of course, and matching “I’m so proud of you anak!”)
You might say I am over-reacting. Not if you’ve watched him cry out of frustration for months simply because he couldn’t do this. And when the day came when he finally made it, you can’t help but call for a feast to celebrate such feat.
The joy of witnessing successes like this in a little child is beyond measure. This reminds me of an important lesson that I always forget: Every accomplishment begins with one baby step.
I tell myself this whenever I have a hard time getting up early to bring my son to school (baby steps…baby steps…baby steps…) or when I am so overwhelmed by deadlines (baby steps…baby steps…) or when I am about to do some self-loathing again for not being keen about my health (baby steps…).
What these children can really teach you!
Try it. It really works!
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one baby step!
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