11 May 2010

April 2010

I thought monthly roundups done in some blogs can be really helpful. So here, I'd like to start a review of my little one's adventures for the month.

This April my little one

For the first time: went to a spring play school in Vleugel-F. It's a play school organized by the youth council of the city. Was surprised to see him enjoy the whole two weeks of his spring break. Didn't really expect that after the trauma of his summer school. 'Tis a clear sign he's growing up!

Created: Treasure maps:

the dim-witted adults couldn't understand this complex map

so the cartographist ended up explaining.

Read on his own:
Dr. Seuss I can Read with my Eyes Shut

Was read:
Winnie the Pooh by AA Milne chapters 1-3

Rhymes round the world

Clifford Visits the Hospital

Not included are the books in Dutch which Lakay read to him on other nights. (Find it hard to type the difficultly spelled titles. Will do next month-promise!)

Played: Google maps and Trudy's Time and Place house

Favorite Toy:
the belts of his mom and dad's robes. He uses them for pretend fishing rods

Favorite song:
Do You Hear the People Sing from Les Miserables (with matching march for choreography and own invented lyrics: Do you hear the people sing, singing the autumn of the cross !?#*)

Milestone achievements:
can do simple math: adding by using fingers and card strips for counting; mastered the different months of the calendar and their corresponding numerical (he forced this upon himself so he could understand the expiry dates of products on our table

New fetish
: finding different countries in the map of the world and asking me to google the flag for each country he fancies; looking for the expiry dates in all products served on the table, and decoding them for us (We almost ate bread that was expired, if not for his conscientiousness.)
I swear I did not teach him any of these!
I noticed that most of the above cater to the enlargement of his already expansive mind. So for the next coming months, I'll have to plot out motor-developing activities with my partner in crime. Hopefully, the little master would take it up, too.

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